Victim 1: Arushi Talwar,
Age 14,
Saturday, May 24, it was Arushi Talwar’s birthdayDOD - May 16th, 2008, approximately 1am to 2am
Class IX student of Delhi Public School in Noida
cell phone # 9910520630
Aarushi Talwar had a profile at Orkut, as social networking site
one must be 18yrs or older to use Orkut... BD is part of reg.–aArUsHi–Profile-htmlMay also have had Facebook
Close friends of
best friend Fiza
daughter of Dr Anita Durrani, unnamed
Victim 2: Yam Prasad Banjade aka Hemraj
DOD May 16th, 2008,
approximately ???DOC
Eight months ago, (October 2007) when Hemraj was hired to replace Vishnu
Cell phone # 9213515485
Family Membersat crime scene:Dr. Rajesh Talwar
has serious asthma
Dr. Nupur Talwar
Arushi Talwar
other than crime scene:brother, Dr. Dinesh Talwar
brother, Ramesh Talwar
Hemraj’s uncle, Ram Prasad
House Servants , past and present
Yam Prasad Banjade. Aka Hemraj
Bharti, part time maid
Vishnu; Vishnu Sharma alias Vishnu Thapa former domestic helper
Umesh Sharma, the Talwar’s driver:
Nim Raj Kaushal alias Raju. Former domestic help
Shambu, male servant
Vijay Mandal, a domestic helper from same L block in Jalvayu Viha
People Around the Case
Abhijeet Chatterjee, Talwar’s lawyer,
Pinaki Mishra, another Talwar family lawyer
RK Saini, CBI counsel
Krishna’s lawyer, F C Sharma
Uma Thakur, the social worker that talk to Hemraj on May 11th
Upendra Pancholi, the head priest in the temple in Haridwar
Dheeraj Kumar, temple at the Baba Balaknath Mandir in Sector-62, Noida
Shyam Sunder, security supervisor for the residential neighborhood
Dr Sudhir Gupta, Associate professor of forensic medicine, All India Institute of Medical Sciences
Clinic Workers
Vikas, the clinic manager.
Jeevan Sharma, Hemraj’s son-in-law
Krishna, the compounder and receptionist
unknown personsDinesh Verma supposedly framed father of Aarushi???
Friends & Neighbors of Noteretired Senior police officer K.K. Gautam, a neighbor; finds body of Hemraj
“close” friends Prafful Durrani and Dr Anita Durrani
Dr Anita Durrani shared the dental clinic with Dr Rajesh Talwar.
good friends for over
13-14 years. They were like an extended family.
doctor-friend Bharat Bhushan, who was present in one version, on the occasion to record Aarushi Talwar’s death
Pradeep Tayal, the friend of the Talwars, is also the common and mutual friend of the Dr.'s Durrani. and works in Flex Industry.
Crime Sceneaddress of crime scene: L-32 Jal Vayu Vihar home in Sector-25, Noida.
Both Arushi Talwar and Hemraj had similar wounds on their necks, it had been though that the wounds were made by a scalpel, but that was put to rest; it now seems that the two died of blunt trauma to the head, and the neck wounds, by a knife, were to make sure of the job
at present, no one is sure who died first, there have been conflicting reports from the press, usually surrounding their speculation on the motive for the deathsvictims clothing and the bed linen may have been removed from scene
Arushi was found in the house, presumably her room, while Hemraj was found out on the terrace, covered by a 'cooler lid'
There may have been a trail of blood from the door to the terrace to Hemraj's body, this per K.K. Gautam's statement in the press, but the day before when the mattress was taken to the terrace, the workers for Dr. R. Talwar did not report seeing any blood trail.
The house appears to have been cleaned up after the killings, ie the blood that should have been on the stairs to the terrace was not there
Environment:Weather for the 15 to 16th, clear overnight,
Temperatures ranged from 96 F /36C to 87F / 31C,
Winds light, or non existent, visibility 1.7mi/2.8km
Sunrise: 5:30am, Sunset: 7:05pm
Civil Twilight, from 5:04am to 7:31pm
Moon: ¾ full, Rise: 3:56pm May 14, Set: 2:57
What is known for fact:1)Days before murders
A ‘mystery scrapper’ visited Arushi Talwar’s Orkut profile regularly. This Internet identity reminded her about murder victims over the Internet sites.
Uma Thakur, the social worker, said that Hemraj approached her on May 11, 2008. Hemraj desired to consult her on a matter. He requested for an hour of audience with her. She told him that she was busy at that time of 7:30 pm. Uma Thakur related that Hemraj looked frightened.
Umar Thakur claimed that she had spoken to Hemraj’s son-in-law. She claimed that the younger man told her that Hemraj and Arushi shared a normal relationship and there was nothing improper about them.
Krishna’s phone made an outgoing call at 12.17.32 pm on May 14 to a land line number: 011-24360509. CBI officers confirmed that the number belonged to them but refused to acknowledge that they received a call from Krishna.
2)Hours before murders
Rajesh Talwar’s driver, Umesh, said that Dr. Rajesh Talwar did not go to work on Thursday
Arushi came home from school at????Sankalp, a very close friend of Arushi spoke to her at around 4:45 pm on May 16. The conversation was a general one, mainly regarding school. Sankalp was very sure that Arushi was not bothered about anything till then and spoke to him very normally and was her usual self. Sankalp said, “Arushi was very close to her parents and never said anything negative about them”. There was also no trouble involving the servant of the house, Sankalp confirmed.
On Thursday night, someone made 6 calls to Dr Anita Durrani cell phone number on Dr Rajesh Talwar's cell phone, it is not known if Dr A. Durrani was the person spoken to or what the conversations were about. Police have not said where Dr. A. Durrani's phone was when calls were picked up.
Jeeva (Jeevan Sharma??) said that Hemraj called him at 5:30 on Thursday. He told that his madam (Dr. Nupur Talwar) had instructed him not to go to the clinic, as per his normal routine, since Arushi was home alone.
9 - 9:30 p.m., Arushi Talwar spoke to her friend Anmol from her mobile phone;
when was phone turned off and why..
Arushi had her last meal at about 11 pm.
span >What did she do between the time she came home and this phone call
3)during murders
There has been no confirmed or substantiated descriptions of what happened in the house on the night that the murders were committed: from 11pm to 6am the night of May 15 to 16
4)after murders, before discovery
On the morning of May 16th, a part time maid, Bharti, arrived at the house to work. Bharti found the gate locked on the outside of the house. Madam Dr. Niranjan threw down the keys from her balconey and the maid opened the gate to enter the compound
Dr R. Talwar claims that he opened the gate (or door) for her,
there are reported to be 3 doors to get into the house from the road so both statements could be true
(if so, then how did the killers get passed the 3 doors, or was there another way not mentioned...)
5)Hours after discoveryUmesh said that he was instructed by Dr. Rajesh Talwar to carry Aarushi’s bloodstained mattress to the terrace and leave it there. Umesh carried it with the help of Vikas, the clinic manager.
(at some point later, mattress is found on neighbor's terrace, ripped)
6)Days after discovery; ie Police Investigationday after murder; Senior police officer K.K. Gautam, a neighbor; door to terrace is locked on inside; he has to break door, and finds body of Hemraj under cooler lid, hidden from view. He also looks into bedroom, and reports that he sees evidence pertaining to the crime, but what he does not say.
Within 2-3 days the body of Arushi was cremated;
is there a datePolice said they obtained proof. Rajesh Talwar & Nupur Talwar told the priest in Hardwar to record Arushi Talwar’s time of death as 2:30 am, on Friday morning, May 16, 2008.
Superintendent of Police (City) Mahesh Mishra was transferred out on Sunday afternoon, May 18, 2008. The station house officer of Sector-20 police station of Noida was also transferred out.
On Wednesday, May 21st, it was established that the authorities in charge of the twin murder cases were Senior Superintendent of Police Noida A.S. Ganesh, Special Task Force (STF) and a few others.
Noida Senior Superintendent of Police A Satish Ganesh gave a press conference on Thursday, May 22, 2008. He said that it would take another 15 more days for the police to crack the case. Was there anything else said at that press conference, was it televised
May 26 The Hindu website said that on Tuesday, Arushi Talwar’s classmates and friends organized a peaceful candle light procession. They walked from DPS Noida to her house. That was a distance of 1 1/2 kilometers. The students said nobody close to Arushi was questioned by the police. The teens said that instead of investigations, the police were laying the blame on the dead, who could not utter a single defense.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008, The Times Of India:
Pinaki Mishra, another Talwar family lawyer, has requested for the case to be handled by CBI (crime branch investigation?) because he was dissatisfied. Pinaki Mishra claimed Police made a scape goat of Rajesh Talwar.
May 31st or June 1st CBI take over police investigations from Noida local police, who have botched the job
June 5th,
The blood stained blanket, clothes and other items have been recovered too late. CBI could not confirm if they had been washed. The famous palm print at the terrace has been discarded as almost useless because it was a gloved print!
June 6
CBI believed that Aarushi Talwar was killed first before Hemraj. This was established from viscera reports, post-mortem reports, finger/ palm prints found in Aarushi’s bedroom and prints found in the terrace. They conclude so because the prints in Aarushi’s room were clean from blood and the prints found on the terrace had blood on them. So after Aarushi was murdered, her blood stained the prints of the killer. This is not substantiated by the police themelves; this may be press speculation
Sat. June 7 2008.
1.All India Institute of Medical Sciences was consulted. They examined the medical reports of Aarushi Talwar. Some experts said that she was killed by the blow and incisions to her head. Her neck injury was inflicted the last of all. The wounds were deep and could not be caused by a surgical scalpel as the thin instrument could only cut through skin one layer at a time. Since the victim had deep wounds, it looked like it was the work of a knife. If the neck was cut first, blood would have sprayed out and stained the rest of the bedroom. (conclusion: her heart had stopped pumping and she was dead when her neck was cut) The Associate professor of forensic medicine, Dr Sudhir Gupta, gave his expert opinion.
CBI Joint Director Arun Kumar released some information. On June 11th
Monday, June 9, CBI gave Krishna a lie detector test.
Tuesday, June 10, Krishna had his second polygraph test.
Wednesday June 11, Krishna is taken to Bangalore for a narco test.
Krishna taken into custody
Krishna spoke to the media before he was taken away by the CBI. Krishna said he was being framed to protect Rajesh Talwar. His last words were a plea, “Save me!”
June 22 2008 CBI said that they ran checks on Krishna, Rajkumar, Vijay Mandal and Umesh. They do not have any criminal records.
June 24th CBI said that the forensic test revealed that Krishna’s khukri is clean. There was no possibility of that khukri being the murder weapon.
Date unknown: two different accounts as to who was with Dr. R Talwar when he recorded Aarushi's Death with the temple
Upendra Pancholi, the head priest in the temple in Haridwar said that Rajesh Talwar, Nupur Talwar, Rajesh’s brothers Dinesh and Ramesh and doctor-friend Bharat Bhushan were present on the occasion to record Aarushi Talwar’s death.
The head priest at Hardwar told the police that 5 people came to see him to record the death of Arushi Talwar. Nupur Talwar, Rajesh talwar, Dinesh Talwar, and the Durranis.
By June 26th, By now it is obvious that the CBI are doing no better at this investigation that the Noida police force...Conclusion
at this point, June 26th, I can only say:
Motive: there has been no motive given that corroborates the evidence found or presented by the police to the press,
Suspects: the logical suspects are still the parents, but there is no proof,
Under Investigation: the servants or workers from the clinic are being pursued to appease the public outcry, and to make it look as if the police are advancing the case. Why they are keeping Dr R. Talwar locked up is anyone's guess; God only knows and she is only guessing...